Lake Buchanan Conservation Corporation
2011 Monthly Programs
JANUARY Cedar Point - Issues and Basic Land Management
Presenter - Ted Rieley, Natural Resource Conservation Coordinator for LCRA
FEBRUARY "Quiz the Guides"
Fishing Guides from Lake Buchanan, Jerry Moore, Fermin Fernandez and
Ray Williamson answered questions and gave fishing tips to our members and guests.
MARCH Linda Raschke Llano County Commissioner - guest speaker
APRIL Guest Speakers, Henry Minton and Al Chitwood of LCRA Public Safety Office
MAY "Warriors in Transition"
Brian Knierien of Cross Water Outfitters and two soldiers discussed the Warriors in
Transition weekend held at Thunderbird Resort
JUNE General Meeting, No Program
JULY Sailing Lake Buchanan
Presenter - Don Bymun talks about the Sailing Regatta coming in September
AUGUST "State of the Lake" Report
Presenter - Marcos Dejesus, biologist with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
SEPTEMBER Fishing and Hunting Regulations
Presenters - Game Wardens Rick Snitkin and Kevin Hill
OCTOBER LCRA Water Management Plan
Presenters - Rusty Brandon and Jo-Karr Tedder, Pres of CTWC
NOVEMBER General Meeting, No Program
DECEMBER Christmas Mixer
Presenter - Ted Rieley, Natural Resource Conservation Coordinator for LCRA
FEBRUARY "Quiz the Guides"
Fishing Guides from Lake Buchanan, Jerry Moore, Fermin Fernandez and
Ray Williamson answered questions and gave fishing tips to our members and guests.
MARCH Linda Raschke Llano County Commissioner - guest speaker
APRIL Guest Speakers, Henry Minton and Al Chitwood of LCRA Public Safety Office
MAY "Warriors in Transition"
Brian Knierien of Cross Water Outfitters and two soldiers discussed the Warriors in
Transition weekend held at Thunderbird Resort
JUNE General Meeting, No Program
JULY Sailing Lake Buchanan
Presenter - Don Bymun talks about the Sailing Regatta coming in September
AUGUST "State of the Lake" Report
Presenter - Marcos Dejesus, biologist with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
SEPTEMBER Fishing and Hunting Regulations
Presenters - Game Wardens Rick Snitkin and Kevin Hill
OCTOBER LCRA Water Management Plan
Presenters - Rusty Brandon and Jo-Karr Tedder, Pres of CTWC
NOVEMBER General Meeting, No Program
DECEMBER Christmas Mixer